Using Business Intelligence to Empower Organizational Change | ODBI

In today’s fast-paced and data-driven business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to gain competitive advantage, foster innovation, and drive sustainable growth. At the heart of this pursuit lies the intersection of Organizational Development (OD) and Business Intelligence (BI) – two dynamic disciplines that, when combined strategically, can unlock unparalleled insights and transformative potential.

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DELTA The Enablement Journey

How can teams leverage data and digital tools effectively?

The Enablement Journey strategically tackles the imperative challenge of teams wrestling with competency gaps in effectively leveraging data and digital tools, thereby impeding their capacity to adapt and assume advanced roles. This pioneering training program is meticulously designed to enable businesses/ teams shift and adapt to effectively use data to excel in the dynamic digital landscape.

This program aligns with DELTA's mission of empowering teams and providing training support, focusing on three key areas:

  • Conceptual Thinking: Develop a deeper understanding of how data and digital tools work together to achieve strategic objectives. 
  • Analytical & Critical Thinking: Analyze data effectively, identify trends, and draw actionable insights. 
  • Continuous Improvement: Embrace a culture of learning and continuous improvement to optimize your processes and technology investments. 
Key Features
  • Customized Learning: Tailored to your team’s specific needs and knowledge gaps 
  • Action-Oriented Approach: Hands-on workshops and exercises to apply new skills immediately 
  • Expert Support: Dedicated DELTA consultants to guide your team through the journey 
  • Integrated Measurement: Track progress and measure the impact on your business outcomes 
  • Continuous Learning: Ongoing support and resources to maintain momentum 



  • Improved Data Utilization: Gain valuable insights from your data to inform decision-making and drive strategic growth. 
  • Enhanced Productivity: Streamline operations and free up valuable time by leveraging technology effectively. 
  • Increased Confidence: Empower your team to take ownership of their roles and responsibilities. 
  • Optimized Technology Investments: Maximize the return on investment for your technology solutions. 
  • Measurable Business Impact: Achieve tangible results in key performance areas like sales, revenue, and customer satisfaction. 

The Enablement Journey follows a structured, five-step process: 

  • Needs Assessment: Identify your team’s existing skills and knowledge gaps through interviews and surveys. 
  • Digital Landscape Mapping: Analyze your current data and digital ecosystem to identify areas for improvement. 
  • Customized Learning Path: Develop a personalized training program based on your team’s unique needs. 
  • Implementation & Feedback: Put your learning into action with hands-on workshops and ongoing support. 
  • Evaluation & Continuous Improvement: Track progress, measure results, and adapt the program for ongoing success. 
How to use data to drive decisions making?

Organizations often face challenges in leveraging data effectively for informed decision-making. Employees may lack the necessary data literacy, resulting in a gap to utilize data to drive decision making processes. Traditional training programs may fall short in providing decision making training for employees, overlooking the human aspects essential for fostering a data-driven mindset. DELTA’s Data Competency program addresses these issues, empowering individuals with critical skills, instilling a data-driven mindset, master communications and offering decision-making training for employees to confidently navigate the complexities of data utilization. 

The Data Competency program is designed to move your team beyond data literacy, focusing on the human aspects of data utilization. This program empowers individuals to:
  • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze data effectively and identify actionable insights. 
  • Master effective communication and collaboration to share data-driven insights and influence stakeholders. 
  • Embrace a data-driven mindset to make informed decisions based on evidence and drive continuous improvement. 

DELTA Data Competency Training
Key Features

Data-Driven Action Learning:

  • Engage in hands-on workshops and projects specifically designed for using data to drive decision-making, allowing immediate application of new skills.

Collaborative learning environment:

  • Facilitate knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer support. 

Customized Data Learning Paths:

  • Individualize your learning experience with tailored paths that address unique needs and skill levels in utilizing data for informed decisions.

Expert Data Guidance:

  • Benefit from the expertise of seasoned DELTA consultants who offer continuous support and coaching, ensuring mastery in leveraging data for decision-making.

Integrated Data Measurement:

  • Monitor your data-driven progress seamlessly with integrated measurement tools, allowing you to track advancements and measure the impact on your business outcomes accurately.

Optimized Decision-Making:

  • Master the art of evidence-based decision-making, ensuring that your choices are grounded in data for superior outcomes.

Advanced problem-solving:

  • Identify and solve complex problems using data-driven approaches. 

Increased employee engagement:

  • Empower employees to take ownership and contribute significantly to organizational success by fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making, thus increasing overall employee engagement.

Boosted innovation:

  • Cultivate a workplace environment that encourages data-driven innovation and continuous improvement, providing the fuel for creative ideas and enhanced innovation.

Competitive advantage:

  • Gain a strategic edge by leveraging data effectively for better decision making and business insights.
Course Overview

Develop an analytical mindset: 

  • Approach data with curiosity and a critical eye. 
  • Identify patterns and trends in data. 
  • Formulate insightful questions to guide your analysis and inform decision-making. 

Understand the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom pyramid: 

  • Differentiate between various stages of data processing and interpretation. 
  • Leverage data to create actionable insights and drive decision-making. 

Ask valuable questions: 

  • Master the art of asking “why” and “how” to uncover deeper meaning from data. 
  • Develop the ability to interpret data in the context of your specific needs and goals. 

Unpack processes and data points to measure outcomes: 

  • Identify business metrics to track progress. 
  • Design data-driven frameworks to evaluate the effectiveness of your actions. 

Convert raw data into insights: 

  • Utilize the CARR toolkit to transform data into actionable insights. 
  • Learn to communicate data effectively and persuasively to influence stakeholders. 

Differentiate between reports and insightful data products: 

  • Understand the limitations of traditional reports and explore alternative data visualization techniques. 
  • Develop data products that deliver actionable insights and support informed decision-making. 

Introduce lean tools to improve data quality practice: 

  • Implement effective data cleansing and normalization techniques. 
  • Ensure the accuracy and reliability of your data for optimal analysis. 

Improve technology utilization: 

  • Leverage data analytics tools and platforms to streamline your data analysis process. 
  • Utilize technology solutions to enhance data quality and insights practice. 

To learn more about our Data Competency program book your Free Consultation. Let us help you empower your team to become data champions and drive sustainable growth for your organisation. Talk to us today to discuss your specific challenges.

DELTA Business intelligence Training

"How to optimize data usage for sustainable growth and overcome barriers in digital investments?"

Recent studies by McKinsey Global Institute and Forrester Research reveal that data-driven organizations achieve 5 times higher profitability and 342% return on investment respectively. However, a disconnect often exists between digital investments and tangible outcomes due to cultural barriers and limited data utilization capabilities. 

DELTA's "Business Intelligence for Organisation Development" program bridges this gap. We equip your organization with the knowledge, skills, and tools to effectively leverage the power of Business Intelligence (BI) within your OD initiatives. Through our proven methodology and customized support, you can:

  • Transform data into actionable insights: Drive evidence-based decision-making and strategic planning with Business Intelligence tools and techniques. 
  • Optimize operations and improve efficiency: Streamline processes, automate workflows, and liberate resources for strategic initiatives. 
  • Align performance measurement with your Operational Development goals: Track business metrics and measure the impact of your Operational Development efforts to ensure success. 
  • Empower your team to become data champions: Foster a data-driven culture that promotes transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement. 
  • Adapt proactively to changing market conditions: Identify emerging trends and patterns through data analysis to ensure your organization remains competitive and resilient. 
  • Develop a data-driven approach to change management: Track progress, anticipate challenges, and optimize your Operational Development initiatives for smoother implementation. 
  • Enhance sustainability efforts: Make informed decisions that align with your environmental goals and contribute to responsible development. 
Key Features

Data-Driven Decision Making:

  • Equip your leaders with the skills to analyze data effectively, identify trends and patterns, and make informed decisions that drive positive change. 

Streamlined Operations:

  • Implement BI tools and techniques to automate data processes, improve efficiency, and free up valuable resources for strategic initiatives. 

Performance Measurement:

  • Develop and track business metrics to measure the impact of OD initiatives and ensure successful implementation. 

Proactive Adaptation:

  • Identify emerging trends and market changes through data analysis, enabling proactive adjustments to your organization’s strategy and operations. 

Data-Driven Culture:

  • Foster a culture of data-driven decision-making throughout the organization, promoting transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement. 

Resource Optimization:

  • Allocate resources effectively by understanding the impact of different initiatives and directing efforts towards areas with the highest potential for growth. 

Effective Transformation:

  • Leverage BI insights to track progress, identify potential challenges, and adapt to significant changes during OD initiatives. 

Competitive Advantage:

  • Strategically analyze competitor and market data to gain a competitive edge and position your organization as an industry leader. 

Sustainable Development:

  • Identify areas for long lasting improvement through data analysis, allowing you to align your organization with responsible and sustainable development principles.

DELTA’s “Business Intelligence Training for Organisation Development” employs a proven five-step methodology to guide your organization’s successful integration of Business Intelligence into your Ogranisation Development practices: 

  1. Awareness and Knowledge Building: 
    • Develop a profound understanding of Business Intelligence concepts and assessing the potential of your data and capabilities for more efficient operations.
  2. Problem and Value Definition: 
    • Collaboratively identify and solve key organizational development challenges for creating a roadmap that aligns with Business Intelligence implementation with your overarching goals.
  3. Business Intelligence Roadmap Development: 
    • Bridge the gap between your current and desired states with a roadmap designed for your specific needs, ensuring a successful Business Intelligence implementation.  
  4. Implementation and Utilisation Support: 
    • Seamlessly integrate Business Intelligence solutions with your existing data sources, optimizing your digital ecosystem. In addition, we will implement strategies to empower your teams on leveraging data-driven decision-making to improve productivity.
  5. Evaluation and Optimization: 
    • Measuring impact of Business Intelligence on your business metrics is essential to improving and optimizing productivity. We will gather feedback for continuous improvement, fostering a dynamic, data-driven culture within your organization.

At DELTA, we specialize in guiding organizations, like yours, through a transformative journey into becoming a data-driven, high-performing entity ready for sustainable growth and success. Talk to us today to discuss your specific challenges and unlock the full potential of your organization.

Client Testimonial

I have worked with Fahimeh in my role at DCM (Downtown Community Ministry), where she has taken us on a business transformation journey.

Fahimeh is an expert in her field and able to help organisations navigate complex processes and systems while also explaining core concepts in plain English. It doesn’t matter how data-heavy the concepts may be; Fahimeh knows how to break them down into practicable, achievable steps. She is also very passionate about what she does, which is infectious!

She has left us with tools that will continue to help guide us far into the future. Thanks, Fahimeh!

Matthew Mawkes

Creative and enthusiastic communications professional | New Zealand

Client Testimonial

As an organisation we often focus on delivering immediate support to those in need, however as a result of this, we sometimes loose focus on the need to review our current systems and identify opportunities for improvement. Through her extensive knowledge and guidance, Dr Fahimeh McGregor has supported our organisation to review our current systems landscape, identify opportunities for improvement and implement achievable plans of action that are strategic, collaborative and engaging for the entire organisation. I would recommend Dr Fahimeh McGregor to any organisation who wants to improve their systems, data utilisation and overall business intelligence in a manner that is engaging and purposeful to the outcomes of the organisation.

Stephen Turnock

Director at DCM (Downtown Community Ministry) | New Zealand

Client Testimonial

Implementation of technology and systems are critical components to establishing a new business. As a small construction company these implementations can become expensive and redundant. After using multiple cloud base systems and constant adjustment to our systems, we decided to work with a consultant. Dr. Fahimeh with Delta Informed Decisions provided the knowledge and direction to create a custom approach that allows for efficient long-term growth, data tracking, and good communication among team members. This was done with cost effective tools and good resources for continued learning.

Nathan Coons

Owner of Coons Construction LLC | US


Client Testimonial

I have had the tremendous pleasure of working with Fahimeh over the last two years or so on a number of inter-dependent business intelligence development projects where we needed far greater degrees of automation, reporting and repeatable processes.

Fahimeh was able to hone in on where our data collection and management strategies required improvement and has a great talent for being able to cut straight to the nub of core issues, visualise and then explain the necessary roadmaps to achieve their resolution.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the work we have done together so far and have confidence in her ability to continue to add value to our organisation when we are ready step to the next phase in our data journey.

Vivienne Lowe

Manager Finance & Performance at Pharmacy Council of New Zealand


Client Testimonial

We described to Fahimeh the challenges we were having with our manual, time-consuming, performance reporting and monitoring. Fahimeh helped us in different ways – streamlining the process, designing and implementation of Review tools and Reporting Dashboards, and training our team to drive solutions. She significantly improved our engagement with wider teams at the national level and improve the visibility of our financial reporting.

Margarita Gonzalez-Borrero

Team Lead (Former Principal Advisor) | New Zealand Transport Agency


Client Testimonial

Fahimeh has helped our project team to manage our project controls effectively and meet standards and requirements. She taught us how to use our technology tools (SAP, Microsoft Suite) more efficiently and we achieved significantly better quality outcomes. Fahimeh designed and implemented unique templates suited to our needs, and then provided hands-on instruction to help us collect valuable data and deliver quality reports. This way, lots of time was saved and factual reports became accessible any time we needed them.

Michael Siazon

Senior Transport Planner | New Zealand Transport Agency


Client Testimonial

Two years ago, I got to know Fahimeh when she started leading our data visualisation and streamlining processes for performance reporting. She brought a new way of utilising data by sharing analytical knowledge which opened a whole new world for me. I am pleased that I am now doing her Data Competency course taking me to the next level. Even at the middle of the learning journey, I can easily see how it’s changing my way of thinking and looking at data.

Claudette Herselman

Senior Portfolio Analyst | New Zealand Transport Agency


Client Testimonial

I met Fahimeh in 2019 when she was appointed to lead our business intelligence for the performance team. It has been fascinating to recognise how much time and effort could be saved allowing us to become more productive and proactive by having access to a more streamlined processes and automated reporting tools. Fahimeh has not only designed and developed visualisation products for us, but she also empowered the team to drive self-sufficiently through greater insights and understanding of the processes. I am very pleased that now she is offering her Data Competency training to organisations and I have had the privilege to attend her training course and learn how to manage and utilise data and analytics to benefit not only my role but also the business unit and our stakeholders.

Arlene Williams

Senior Programme Analyst | New Zealand Transport Agency


Client Testimonial

Fahimeh assisted my teams and I with the delivery of the largest infrastructure project (at the time) in Auckland, Waterview Connection (Well-connected Alliance). She demonstrated the value of a research driven approach in real-world projects in a multi-dimensional way: through the use of technology solutions, reporting, monitoring and enhancement of the Lean construction practices. Working with Fahimeh was an initiative that has helped to continuously improve our collaboration and productivity by sharing insightful analysis with partners and stakeholders alike. I look forward to working with Fahimeh again in the future.

Callum McCorquodale

Construction Manager (Former Superintendent Fletcher) | New Zealand

Client Testimonial

It was a great opportunity to get to know Fahimeh in 2018 when she joined our project as an advisor – while mentoring me to manage my responsibilities using smarter and efficient approaches. Project control and financial management were new contexts to me. With the work Fahimeh has done in regards to creating a data strategy, development of an automated reporting tool as well as technology training (SAP, Microsoft Excel and Planview), I managed to collectively add value to the project by having a greater understanding of business context, data and systems.

Harriet Dunnett

Project Coordinator, Department of Conservation | New Zealand

Client Testimonial

I really like the way you highlight that dealing with data is no longer optional if we’re wanting a business to succeed. We must find ways of harnessing the power of the information available, but have people making those decisions based on that data. It’s so much easier for our human brains if we can have images that make sense of the data!


Cathy Sheppard

International speaker, trainer, coach, mentor | New Zealand

Client Testimonial

Fahimeh, I believe that you’re right that there is art in bringing data to life. Wellington City Council are doing some interesting things with visualisation to show the progress of the city over the last century and the overlay of pipes and utilities etc. Seeing the city in a new way is helping them understand and make decisions.


Brett Walker

Passionate Change Manager and Coach | New Zealand