Case Study 4 : Collaborative Culture

Our client improved collaboration, accountability, and operational efficiency across different workgroups by implementing our Lean approach, Visual Planning tools, and a Data-Driven Strategy.

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The Challenge

  • The organisation had different work groups located in different offices so transparency and collaborative culture in the workplace was underdeveloped 
  • No realistic plan and understanding “who does what”? therefore responsibility and accountability was lacking
  • Poor reporting practices within initial stages leading to ineffective communications
Hand writing a program plan on a whiteboard, highlighting key terms like Capacity, Needs, Wants, Staff, Monitoring, and Impact.

Our Approach

  • We implemented a Lean Continuous Improvement(CI) Approach where we utilized our the Visual Planning tool to strategize plan and visualise milestones
  • We also Implementated a Lean collaborative planning tool using Data-Driven strategy to:
    • capture valuable data associated with milestones, owners, progress, delays, and constraints
    • allow achieving measurable changes for a more collaborative culture in the workplace

    The Results

    • Development of trust in between different organisations teams

    • Transparency in operational and critical milestones and decision

    • Collaborative environment – communicate in a more comfortable way to ask for support when facing any constraints. This also helps them to become more pro-active yet creating a collaborative culture in the workplace.

    • Empowering teams to become more accountable

    • Measurable and transparent operational reports

    • Communicate in a more effective manner – less time (30-45 minutes weekly stand up meeting) but achieve more