Driving Business Intelligence: Leveraging Data Across Communication, Action, Risk, and Relationship
Harnessing Data for Intelligent Decisions: The CARR Framework
Empowering Your Business Intelligence Journey
In today's data-driven world, the potential of data and metrics to drive business excellence is undeniable. Yet, many organizations find themselves struggling to fully harness this power. Studies like those by BARC (Business Application Research Centre, 2021)...
Navigating Contract Reporting: A Quick Guide for Contracts Reporting
Signing a new contract is an exciting milestone, but effectively reporting to stakeholders requires careful planning and execution. Let's explore some essential steps to ensure smooth contract management and reporting. 🔍 Step 1: Understand Contract Metrics Are you...
Unveiling the Importance of Defining Business Intelligence Values
Ever wondered what hurdles organizations face in implementing Business Intelligence? Our latest research indicates that many organizations encounter challenges with undefined BI values. Let's delve into why defining these values is crucial for your business...
Unlocking the True Power of Business Metrics
Unveiling DELTA Efficiency Tool: Your Key to Data and Digital Optimisation - Unlocking the True Power of Business Metrics In the intricate landscape of data and digital ecosystems, the way we translate business metrics can be a game-changer. Often, inefficiencies...
Why Are Processes the Silent Orchestrators of Data Transformation into Actionable Insights?
Discover why processes are the silent orchestrators, shaping the context that transforms data into actionable insights.
How are you steering the transformation journey?
Elevate your leadership in the data-driven cultural revolution.
How Business Intelligence drive data Insights for Business Excellence?
Business Intelligence is no longer a ‘nice to have’, or something belonging to the distant future.
It’s the present. And, to avoid consigning your business to the past, it’s something your organisation needs to embrace. A path all businesses, sooner or later, must tread.
Your roadmap to business transformation!
Understanding your location, your destination and which direction you’re headed is when you will need a map. Read on how to use your roadmap for business transformation!
Don’t become a data dumpsite: The 7 sources of waste your business needs to clean up
Are your data workflows and systems as streamlined as they could be? Or are they leaking inefficiencies – slowing down lead times and draining your resources?
Update ready to install: Turbocharge your BI journey by upskilling your people
Build updates around your people. Upskill them and remove productivity roadblocks.
Drive your team towards success: How the CARR toolkit will transform your projects and risk management
CAR, this is a tool to transform how you connect your data, people and processes. And it’s a lens to re-think how you coordinate your teams to reach your goals sooner.
How to get actionable insights from data?
What businesses need to get actionable insights from data is context and visualisation. What they need are products that turn data into practical insights.
Developing a data comfort zone: ready for a quick data tip?
Establish a data comfort zone! The company is focused on productivity and reducing waste. Yet employees might feel like they’re being monitored – or penalised.
The consequence? They’ll be less likely to track the insights you need. That’s why it isn’t enough to simply overhaul your data processes. You need to establish 𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒂 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒆𝒕𝒚.
It’s time to activate your data. Make it Sing!
As a data lead, the data I encounter is often sitting stagnant as idle information. But it has the potential to be enriched – to deliver your business actionable insights.
By collecting the right data and educating your team, you can eliminate waste, boost productivity and even see into the future. Read more in our LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/company/delta-informed-decisions